Monday, February 25, 2008

Shooting outside with Sirius 25.02.2008

It was beautiful weather today, so I went outside to test the Sirius riser. I shooted the distances between 5m - 70m, and the bow worked so nice :). I was shooting the field targets, cause the field season is not so far away. All the field distances worked fine, meaning that most of the arrows were usually in yellow. So, no need to adjust the bow, just shoot more all the distancies, and take up all the marks. Best group was in 60m/122cm target.. All nine arrows inside the yellow, and four tens :).


timppa said...

Milloin nähdään kuvia uudesta jousesta ja sinusta ampumassa sillä?

The Pasi said...

Jos vaikka viikonloppuna pääsisi kisaamaan, niin voisi olla mahdollisuus päästä kuviinkin :).
Kunhan saan nyt kaikki, mitä mun on pitänyt saada, niin sitten laitetaan kuvia...