Monday, November 30, 2009


Trying to put some feathers to the arrows. It's very long prosess to glue the feathers. Like wait 25min glue to dry, and then next... So one arrow 1h15min... Takes all evening to glue 4 arrows.. It's so easy and fast to put the K-Vanes, that I have in the ACE arrows... Like 2min arrow..

Now in Finland and Virrat. Maybe tomorrow I can visit the shooting cave in here and shoot some arrows, BIG and ACEs :)...


timppa said...

Throw those X7´s to nearest forest and shoot ACE`s. You don´t need any BIG arrows.

Anonymous said...

Pasi i also think you dont need the big arrows .
Because when you stay to the ace your ritme of shooting stays the same and your bow always react the very same way !!!!!


the smal belgian